tungsten carbide tube drawing dies

tungsten carbide tube drawing dies Picture

The ungsten carbide tube drawing dies that Chinatungsten Online offer are ideal for drawing products of different material like mild steel, stainless steel and others. These tungsten carbide tube drawing dies that we manufacture are fabricated using high grade raw material that makes them durable in nature. It is appreciated for durable finish, corrosion resistant, sturdy construction and accurate bore sized and so on.

These tungsten carbide tube drawing dies in round, hex, square and any other special shape are used for the drawing operation of tubes of various materials like Mild Steel (M.S), Stainless Steel (S.S), Brass, Copper etc. Used by all major round and shaped tube producers, tungsten carbide drawing dies for round and shaped tubes are used to draw ferrous and nonferro used materials. We also make mandrels of various shapes that are used to maintain the inner diameter of the tube.


Pallet Bearing Bore Sizes (mm)
Diameter Height For all types of metals tube
25 20 10.000MM 12.000 M.M.
30 24 11.000MM 14.000M.M.
35 24 13.000MM. 18.000M.M.
40 24 17.000MM 22.000MM
45 25 21.000MM 26.000MM
50 25 24.000MM 30.000MM
55 27 28.000MM 34.000MM
60 27 32.000MM 38.000MM
70 30 40.000MM 45.000MM
80 30 48.000MM 55.000MM
90 33 56.000MM 62.000MM
100 35 65.000MM 70.000MM
120 38 74.000MM 88.000MM
150 40 100.000MM 115.000MM